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There is another cause of hair loss besides the ones FolicileRX Review listed above. Actually there are plenty more and you can find them all by reading more information on this subject.Let us start this article with a fact - At any time during the day individuals are able to lose up to one hundred shafts of hair. This may not be so important to some people but did you know that there are certain conditions that could increase the amount of hair that is lost? In this article we are going to discuss the causes of sudden hair loss with you.There are cases where individuals can go from losing one hundred shafts of hair to losing three hundred shafts of hair in one day. This is a surprising number and to think that it all happens on a daily basis. Some of those causes can be natural while others could be due to the genes. There are also health issues that are associated with it.One of the most common causes of sudden hair loss includes lots of stress. This is not because you were pulling your hair out as you were frustrated it is because the stress your body goes through. Various levels of stress can produce things that change your body.Hair falling out could be caused by an major change in hormones that is happening in an individual's body. If this is the case then you should take note that this is not a permanent condition. Your hair will start to grow out again after the stress levels have been reduced.