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MALABANAN has been known since 1940's as the Pozo Negro or Septic Tank Expert in the Philippines. We also offer Services in Siphoning, Declogging, Plumbing, Manual Cleaning, and All Septic Tank Services. For your questions, Inquires, and more info you can contact us anytime. (SMART)-0907-160-8939 (TNT)-0909-378-7583 (GLOBE)-0936-806-5272 Look for Mr. Jerrick SERVICES OFFERED: SIPHONING SEPTIC TANK.(SIP-SIP POSO NEGRO) DECLOGGING(TANGGAL BARADO CR-LABABO-FLOOR DRAIN) MANUAL CLEANING INSIDE SEPTIC TANK GARBAGE REMOVAL INSIDE SEPTIC TANK/VAULT. PLUMBING PIPELINES DRAIN WATER (all kinds of liquid) LOCATE SEPTIC TANK. OPEN and INSTALLATION of septic tank/vault. AREAS: ALL AROUND METRO MANILA, NCR PROVINCES IN: Iloilo,Bulacan,Cagayan, Laguna, Pampanga, Pangasinan, Samar, Leyte, Rizal, Batangas, Cavite, Tarlac, Quezon, Ilocos, Bataan, Zambales, Negros, Bicol, Tacloban Etc. Note: Price Depends on your location and work difficulties. #keepsafe and #SpreadTheGoodVibes #Malabanan #septictankcleaning #Siphoning #Declogging #plumbingservices #malabananandplumbingservices24_7