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Long back, parents were not aware of Vitamin D and its benefits. But incidence of diseases like rickets and delayed motor development, and years of medicinal research has made the parents all around the globe aware of Vitamin D and the paramount importance it holds for their kids. But we at Medhaam preschool take utmost care of your child’s vitamin D intake via our “out-of-class” fun sessions and activities. Even though your kid’s preschool program takes care, but we believe that you as a parent too have a role to play in this. And as a result, we bring forth the importance of this nutrient and how can you make sure that your kid doesn’t have a deficiency of Vitamin D. Scroll down, now! Things you must know as a parent about Vitamin D Vitamin D is one of the six vitamins that are required by the human body for normal growth and development. The other five vitamins are vitamins A, C, B, E, and K. Vitamin D is very important for the growth of bones and teeth in the human body by trapping in calcium and magnesium. It increases the bone density making the bones strong and less fragile. During childhood, the bone formation as well as the teeth formation are on their peak. So, it’s recommended for children to get maximum of Vitamin D during this period. Modern parents often rely on calcium supplements for their kids’ bone development. This includes calcium-rich flavoured drinks, calcium-rich flour etc. But they aren’t aware of the fact that without hitting his/her daily vitamin D intake, he/she may not utilise, or trap enough calcium required for adequate development of bones and teeth.