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Studies have shown that kindergartens (or preschool) provide better early childhood education than long day care centers (LDCs), but for working parents it is challenging to choose between them. The only option for many families is daycare preschool, which starts when the kid is an infant. If the child will be in kindergarten, parents may want to ensure that the daycare center has a good kindergarten program. For kindergarten, kids have to be old enough to benefit from a program that meets for two or three days a week for three to five hours a day. Kindergarten is usually mandatory for families who are unable to afford daycare. Parents must consider more than just logistics when choosing a daycare. School schedules are also a factor to consider. Many kindergartens provide before and after-school care. The centers that emphasize learning through play may also offer preschool programs for children ages 3 to 5. Comparison of the two For centuries, daycare has been perceived as a place for 'care' and kindergarten as a place for 'education. Despite this, studies show a quality gap which researchers attribute to two reasons. Kindergartens are characterized by teacher/child interaction only and short school hours, while early education degrees differ from kindergarten teaching degrees. As a result, governments need to enhance the skills needed to obtain diplomas in early childhood education required by preschool daycare workers. Quality preschool education is essential in low-income areas where children could significantly benefit from it to instill a desire to learn. Kindergarten (Preschool) A focus on education is primarily self-fulfilling and self-following. School-associated hours Full-time, degree-qualified teachers Daycare Primarily focuses on childcare. All-day care just a small part of kindergarten program. Teachers with degrees working at government-run LDCs, but not necessarily in private daycares. High demand and childcare shortages cause working parents to disregard quality in order to fit their schedules and stick to their budgets. Sometimes, finding the right daycare is more about how long the waiting list is! The government ensures kindergarten is available for all kids the year before school starts, but some private and public schools also have waiting lists. Different strokes for different folks When it comes to a kindergarten program where the quality of the educational environment is a priority, there are several factors to consider. Among them: Preschools offer programs 2.5 to 5 hours per day to children ages 3 to 5 and are taught by an early childhood teacher. They are available daily or on certain days of the week. The hours generally range from 9:00am to 3:30pm and can be divided into morning and afternoon sessions. A majority of LDCs are open from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. for parents who work regular hours. Kindergartens run by local governments, churches, state schools (4 to 5 year olds only), independent schools or private companies may be fee-paying, run by parent cooperatives or administered by education boards with or without fees. Kindergartens sometimes offer before- and after-school programs. Long-term care centers may offer preschool programs as well. Early Years Learning Framework With the Early Years Learning Framework, childcare facilities offer a quality, nationally consistent program. Its components include play-based learning, language and communication skills, social development, and preparation for schooling. Even though nursery and daycare centers must follow this framework, there is some flexibility in how they do so. A degree-certified teacher or even a separate class of 3-5-year-olds is usually not feasible for LDCs because of logistics, size, or age range. According to studies, this is the biggest reason- learning isn't as good as it is in kindergarten.