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Immediate loading implantbased oral rehabilitation consists of two parts. First occurs the implantation and the making of the long-term temporary denture; the second part is about the permanent denture.
Implant placement
- Detailed examination of the oral cavity.
- Consultation with the anesthetist before general anesthesia.
- Removal of teeth unsuitable for prosthetic care.
- Implantation of the required number of immediate loading implants.
- Preparation of the long-term, temporary denture(s). The dentures are fixed and not removable by the patient.
The implantation process takes a few hours, while the long-term temporary denture(s) preparation takes a few days. Approximately six months should pass between the first and the second time.
Permanent denture(s)
- Thorough examination of the oral cavity, with particular regard to the condition of the implants.
- Removal of the long-term temporary denture(s).
- Preparation of the permanent porcelain denture(s). The permanent denture is fixed and not removable by the patient