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If you are a yoga practitioner and have attended a class in the past tenyears, it is likely you will have been taught ‘traditional’ alignment.Utkatasanawith feet glued together, Warrior I with hips squared forward and heel-to-heel alignment, or Anjaneasana with hands together, arms straight, and shoulders away from the ears.If you have attended a class that enforces cuessuch as this, it is likely at one time or another, there has been a pose or twothat hasn’t felt so great. While this may be due to a lack of mobility or strength,there is another explanation that may be why you’ve been struggling to‘achieve’ the poses prompted by these cookie-cutter cues. While we have sooften been taught that ‘practice makes perfect’, and told by some teachersthat if we keep coming back we will eventually be able to access a pose we’vebeen struggling with, this may not be the case. What’s holding you back couldbe due to anatomical variation.
What is anatomical variation and why does it matter? Anatomical variation refers to thedifferent shapes and sizes within the human bodyand the variety of waysthat the inferential parts of the body fit together. Every human being has aslightly different bone structure, and therefore how every skeleton is piecedtogether is unique. While we all have a femur bone (thigh bone) and pelvis,how the head of your femur bone fits into the pelvis varies from person toperson and sometimes even from side to side within the same person! If you just look at the photo from this blog it shows the difference in internal rotation between two people. One can’t internally rotate her femur enough to be able to sit between her feet, she can only sit on them, while the other student is the opposite extreme. Whenteaching yoga, it is essential to take this variation of bone shape and size fromperson to person into account.