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Clinical Imaging Journal PubMed is a peer-reviewed high impact factor PubMed indexed Clinical Imaging Journal established Internationally which provides a platform to publish Clinical Images, Medical Case Reports, Clinical Case Reports, Case Series (series of 2 to 6 cases) and Clinical Videos in Medicine.
Clinical Imaging Journal is an open access peer-reviewed Clinical Imaging Journal committed to publishing high-quality articles in the field of Imaging Science. Clinical Imaging Journal aims to present Imaging Science and relevant clinical information in an understandable and useful format. Clinical Imaging Journal is owned and published by the Scientific Scholar. Our audience includes Radiologists, Researchers, Clinicians, medical professionals and students. Review process Clinical Imaging Journal has a highly rigorous peer-review process that makes sure that manuscripts are scientifically accurate, relevant, novel and important. Authors disclose all conflicts, affiliations and financial associations such that the published content is not biased.
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