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In order for them to increaseCarb Blocker Review the development and retention of the muscle mass, they need to consume proteins. When a person has lean muscles, they are able to burn calories even when they are not working out. The people with lean muscles enjoy the advantage of having a trim and attractive body.Proteins are not that easy to metabolize when compared to the fats. When a person takes proteins, the body consumes a lot of energy to digest them. The person will also be able to stay for longer without feeling hungry once they eat a meal with proteins.As much as the proteins are essential in the burning of calories, a person still needs to ingest other types of foods. The diet that a person consumes has to have healthy fats and good carbs. It is very hard for someone to ever come across a diet plan that discourages them from taking micronutrients.When a person is preparing their meal, they need to make sure that they have unrefined carbs and lean proteins. There are meals that should be constituted with healthy fats once in a while.