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Vitamins are probably the most important nutrition Essential M Review group when it comes to human growth. You can survive without proteins thrive without fats and even lose weight without carbohydrates but without an adequate dose of the important vitamins your growth will be stunted (not to mention the tons of other problems vitamin deficiency will bring).If you are looking to grow taller it is important to realize the importance of vitamins and their impact on your height. Don't just dismiss these as something your mother always pestered you about; without vitamins there is no way that you would ever grow tall.There are primarily two types of vitamins: fat soluble vitamins and water soluble vitamins.Water-soluble vitamins are required for the daily functioning of the body. These get dissolved in water (hence the name) and are removed from the body on a daily basis (through sweat urine and feces). Examples of water-soluble vitamins are vitamin B and C.Fat-soluble vitamins on the other hand can be stored in the body. Thus you don't need as frequent or as high a dose. A D E and K fall under this category.When it comes to height increase the most important vitamin is vitamin A. It is needed to stimulate the prouction of HGH (Human Growth Hormone) in the body. It is also responsible for the repair and growth of body cells. Thus it acts like the mason of the body building it up brick-by-brick.