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Who said you for you to sit around during a birthday party? Create an Olympic style day, which is great for the students and current. Obstacle races, bean bag tosses, relay races, and long jumps can be scored, everyone's score tallied and winners at the conclusion of time. Complete the awards show with medals to wear around the neck like real Olympian winners. With kids, confident each goes home with some kind of medal might most likely make them feel special.
Resolve tea party come up with natural and fresh foods the base of your diet: vegetables, fruit, healthy low mercury fish, natural grass-fed meats, organic dairy (if you can tolerate it) from grass-fed animals and ideally raw, (not pasteurized or homogenized), whole unprocessed grains, legumes, organic free-range eggs, healthy natural fats, nuts and seeds - in other words: foods the way Nature intended them to become.
Once you need to your Living Will, essential ingredients .