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But are you sure that the fastest way will be the Life Nutra Keto Review BEST way to lose extra fat? Although we live in a society where people want immediate effects yet the best way is to change your thinking first before your body. You should consider your body as a machine which burns fat rather than an object which just stocks in everything that you consume and hence accumulates fat in the belly.The fastest way to lose fat will be to just go on fast or starve yourself for several weeks. It means not eating your favorite foods for quite sometime. However if you lose weight it's just a temporary phenomena and after a while you would again find fat accumulating. Instead of this the best way is to change your body into a device which burns excess fat and gives you more energy to work.This will in turn prevent a fat belly. For example a low carb low fat or low calorie diet. I understand that it is very annoying when you spend a lot of time staying away from your favorite food and lose just a few pounds.It is equally frustrating if you see those pounds returning back in your body once you stop the diet plan. Obviously no one can be blamed for running away from these diet plans when they find out that it doesn't work.