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The training of good posture should be given to the children The Back Pain Breakthrough Review by their parents and teachers so that they would make their habit to balance their body during activities, standing and sitting. Hence they would not develop back muscles' problem in the long run. Every person should use a proper desk chair and a good bed for taking sleep, so that the back muscles would not get an extra load, and they would not become tired.Whenever a person gets tiredness or develops fatigue, he or she should seek rest and should not allow his or her body to adopt a bad posture to overcome muscles' tiredness. People should not do extra work beyond their capacity unless required. This is also necessary to take adequate sleep during the night and should use a comfortable bed.The first time I saw my best mate rolling around on the floor on top of a piece of foam, I couldn't help laughing, but once she explained the impact that a few simple myofascial release exercises had had on her chronic back pain, I admit I was intrigued.Six months on, with a greatly improved posture and free from the continual shoulder and neck pain I was experiencing following many years hunched over a computer, I'm now a complete convert to myofascial release, and practise it at home every day.While it's very effective to undergo professional myofascial release therapy, where a deep tissue massage stretches the various layers of fascia, or connective tissue between the muscles, bones and joints, you can also achieve excellent results by practising self myofascial release at home.