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We at TFG, with our goal to build long-term business relationships with our customers and provide world-class services, require dynamics and ambitious people (male/female) to join us & be a part of a successful team as company support Executives. It is a part-time job but also a substantial opportunity to-
• Build your group of satisfied customers and your presence in the tourism world on behalf of TFG
• Reap Unmatched Financial Benefits in rewards perks and regular income as weekly/monthly payments.
• Perform tasks according to your format plan etc., without any restrictions/directions from the company.
• Have complete professional freedom with no preset time limits, targets work pressure, etc.
For more details, feel free to contact us
Ruhee Shukla
+91 - 9711169683
Thanks & Regards
TFG Vacations India Pvt Ltd
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