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The biggest secret of the best celebrity diets is that these celebrities Ketozol Review do not really have a secret when it comes to dieting. They are just normal people just like the rest of us. Only we do not have all the extra individuals working for us to make us look so appealing. Celebrities hire others to help them lose weight or get some kind of kick back for advertising a particular product, which includes any number of quick weight loss programs.Celebrity diets involve a level of commitment and dedication which we struggle with. The best celebrity diets involve eating sensibly and limiting our calorie intake. One great diet which has been proven to work for many people is Fat Loss 4 Idiots. This is an easy to follow diet which might just work for you.Should you buy weight loss tea? Weight Loss Tea is the number one weight loss product on the market. The top weight loss product of the year was a product called Wu-Yi. It was featured on CNN, Reader's Digest, other TV stations, as well as being endorsed by countless celebrities. But is this the right product for your weight loss All weight loss tea products contain green tea. Green Tea contains an antioxidant called EGCG. EGCG is said to increase your metabolism by up to 4%, help prevent fat storage, and decrease your appetite. Green Tea also lowers your risk of cancer, soothes your skin by eliminating itching and swelling, protects your skin, protects your memory by slowing down Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, and helps you stay young and live longer by making your arteries healthier. The main reason green tea is used as a diet supplement is because it speeds up your metabolism so you burn more calories while you do nothing. Why buy weight loss tea then if all you need is green tea.