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In addition to writing a quality ebook,Sqribble Review you will also have to find ways to sell it. Together, the two could take a large amount of time. For many individuals, this is a major turn off; however, there are alternatives. If you are interested in selling ebooks, to make a profit, you do not necessarily have to create your own. Instead you can obtain the private label resell rights to another ebook. Obtaining the resell rights to an ebook will allow you, in many cases, to assume to the work as your own, edit the content, and pocket the money from each sale of the book. The biggest downside to obtaining the resell rights to an ebook is the amount of money that you will have to spend. Depending on who you do business with, the cost of acquiring private label resell rights may be fairly expensive. Since most freelance writers spend a large amount of time creating their ebooks, as previously mentioned, they may want to appropriately be compensated. The cost of resell rights to an ebook may be considered a disadvantage to this unique business opportunity, but it can also be considered an advantage. Ebook authors that charge more for their work typically have produced better content; better content is easier to sell.