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Studies show that one of the main reasons we suffer Essential M from "bad hair days" is because our bodies don't have enough sulfur. Sulfur directly affects the health of not just our hair, but also our skin.That's where biotin comes in. Biotin is a water-soluble B-vitamin coenzyme that incorporates sulfur into its molecular structure. So when our bodies produce enough biotin, we end up with healthier hair and skin. In fact, biotin has been nicknamed the "good hair day" vitamin.Biotin also reduces glucose levels in the blood, which is good news for diabetics. If you're not sure whether your body is lacking in biotin, check for other signs of biotin deficiency, which include brittle fingernails, depression, and chronic fatigue.
Sources of Biotin for Healthy Hair Now the question becomes, "Where do we get biotin?" Lucky for us, the beneficial bacteria in our guts produce biotin. That is, if we have enough acidophilus and bifidus in our intestines, then we tend to have enough biotin, and we also avoid bad hair days.This is according to Russell Blaylock, M.D., who has written extensively about food additives that make food taste really good and are really bad for our bodies. This is bad news, since MSG has been linked to everything from heart disease to brain degeneration and cancer. The list of its ill effects is quite long.