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When the pressure is left alone without medication Tinnitus Terminator or medical intervention, there can be a serious damage that will happen to the ear. Pressure can build up and rupture the ear drum eventually. When this happen, the ear may wrinkle more and can slightly become pale. The only option when the ear drum rupture is to cure the present wound with stitches. There are also cosmetic procedures that are available for this condition. These procedures can really improve the appearance of the ear although an internal damage may continue.It is good to be knowledgeable about cauliflower ear for you to know what to do if in case this happens to you. Knowing this condition will help you to be aware of its needed treatment.The first step is to make it a regular habit with any person who is suffering from the said problem to be ready to devote at least half hour to cure this. If a person is mentally ready to follow the steps it can work wonders.
A person every morning should take a ten minute walk. After five minutes of rest and feeling relaxed the process to cure partial hearing loss can be started. The person concerned should choose a favorite spot in the room by the wall free from distracting sounds and disturbance. He should place a soft pillow or other support of the same size close by the wall. The next step is to stand upside down with the wall support resting the body weight onto the head.Take two to three minutes to come to terms with the new posture. Feel relaxed. Then adjust a ticking watch as close as possible to one of the ears. Try to focus the attention to the ticking sound. Keep adjusting the distance. When a person repeats the process daily, he begins to hear the slightest sound made by the ticking watch. It is important to gradually increase the distance of the watch from the ears. The revival surely happens but the speed of revival can differ.