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While the fad for 'over the counter medicines' is Melatolin Plus Review still far from over people are yet to realize the hazardous side effects involved in their usage. If you suffer from insomnia you need to find a solution which is permanent and free from any harmful side effect. It is best to seek advice from a person who has suffered from sleep disordered and cured himself through natural medications.Everyone associates Thanksgiving with turkey. We also associate eating turkey with being sleepy. Why is that Everyone believes its the tryptophan and they'd be half right.Tryptophan is a chemical that makes people drowsy. It works by being transformed into seratonin and ultimately melatonin the chemical our brain produces naturally that makes us go to sleep. Tryptophan aids in melatonin production and does result in us being sleepy. BUT other similar foods (such as chicken) contain almost the exact same amount of tryptophan. So why then do we feel sleepy The answer is from the overload of carbs. Thanksgiving dinner does not only include turkey but tons of other delicious foods. Yams potatoes stuffing and whatever other foods your family serves is chock full of carbohydrates These carbs make the body produce insulin which allows for the tryptophan ingested through the turkey much easier to reach the brain and kick in its effects.