this challenge let's go here thickness I got you something miss hangry why you napping wake up do it do it just have a bite you baby it's okay I'm so hungry don't feel then this smells so bad why are you nothin cuz I'm hungry and if i nap it won't be hungry dated thickness come on yeah you might as well just eat on was one nice and one 96.7 193 points [Music] let's go what's the exact weight loss point five pounds go save I literally ate a donut like three hours ago I told you guys I was still with I cop it up if I start working harder that 2k you down get drink up oh my god thickness yeah I mean the best of bad babe that said that maybe I'll buy you something nice up there or like okay I mean I'm just kidding are you good 21 and then my shoes are from adidas right workout outfit it's comfortable that's all black so [Music] so of course this part of the video is from on a different day you know to be honest already film this portion of the video and I was talking for an hour I'm feeling kind of overwhelmed because I feel like there are so many things I want to say you know I made like a list I'm just gonna talk and just know it's not gonna be the first subject on the topic the first video on the topic I will definitely do more also I'm kind of loving my look today I have like this super like crazy hair my lipstick is in passion from Mac and