Crystal Units: Tripl...
Video Games - Consoles
The Ark Pass will come with two premium levels Lost Ark Gold, but will otherwise be available for free to all players. The Premium Pass, which costs 1,500 in-game Royal Crystals, provides additional rewards on top of the standard free rewards for each level. Example rewards include honing material selection chests, gems, rapport chests, and a VertusPet. The Super Premium Pass costs 3,000 Royal Crystals and adds a set of Noble Banquet skins, as well as some legendary rapport chests for players to earn.
Lost Ark players can begin making progress in the Ark Pass starting today with the arrival of the April Update. The Premium and Super Premium Passes will be available in the in-game store starting today, as well. Those premium pass offerings will remain available to purchase through June 18, but progress can continue to be earned through July 14.
There are obviously some concerns from Lost Ark players regarding the new Ark Pass. The addition of even more monetization to Lost Ark deserves to be questioned, as players evaluate whether the new monetization will impact their experience in-game for the worse. In this case, offering free rewards for playing the game may soften the blow.
The April Update for Lost Ark is packed with plenty more content beyond the Ark Pass, of course. Additions include the Glaivier advanced class, the continent of South Vern, the Feiton Powerpass and Express Mission events, new premium offerings in the store, new daily log-in rewards, and more. Expect further updates month to month through the spring and Lost Ark Gold for sale summer.