Frontier Airlines No...
Tha an t-Ùghdarras Siubhail Dealanach airson Sealan Nuadh NZETA na chead siubhail dealanach airson luchd-còmhnaidh dùthchannan saoradh bhìosa. Chaidh an NZeTA a chuir a-steach a stèidheachadh anns a’ bhliadhna 2019. Bidh am Visa seo ag obair dìreach mar bhìosa inntrigidh. Tha an NZeTA no an cead bhìosa èigneachail don h-uile neach-siubhail a tha a’ tighinn a-steach gu Sealan Nuadh: Faodaidh luchd-còmhnaidh gach aon de na 60 dùthaich saoradh bhìosa a thighinn air turas itealain. Faodaidh saoranaich de 191 dùthaich tighinn air bàta-turais. Tha Ùghdarras Siubhail Dealanach Sealan Nuadh cho sìmplidh is gun urrainn dhut a lìonadh gu tur air an eadar-lìn, agus eVisa fhaighinn air post-d. Tha NZETA a’ ceadachadh do shaoranaich le teisteanas a dhol thairis air crìoch Sealan Nuadh airson adhbharan turasachd, gnìomhachais no siubhail gun a bhith a’ dol tron ​​duilgheadas a bhith a’ seasamh sa chiudha no a’ feitheamh ris a’ chead-siubhail a bhith air a stampadh. Chan eil feum air postachd no teachdaire gu oifis riaghaltais sam bith gus ETA Sealan Nuadh fhaighinn. Tha e an-dràsta na riatanas èigneachail airson saoradh bhìosa nàiseanta, a bharrachd air luchd-siubhail shoithichean turais às a h-uile dùthaich. Feumaidh eadhon Luchd-còmhnaidh Maireannach Astràilia an NZ ETA. Faodaidh saoranaich le teisteanas tagradh a dhèanamh tro thagradh dìreach Ùghdarras Siubhail Dealanach Sealan Nuadh air an lìon airson turasachd, tadhal gnìomhachais no gluasad gu dùthaich eile bho Phort-adhair Eadar-nàiseanta Auckland. The Electronic Travel Authority for New Zealand NZETA is an electronic travel authorisation for residents of visa waiver countries. The NZeTA sent was established in the year 2019, this Visa works exactly like an entry visa. The NZeTA or visa waiver is mandatory for the all inbound travellers entering New Zealand: Residents of each of the 60 visa waiver countries can come by Airplane tourt. Citizens of 191 countries can come by cruise ship. Electronic Travel Authority New Zealand is so simple that you can complete it entirely on the internet, and receive eVisa by email. NZETA permits qualified citizens to cross the border of New Zealand for the tourism, business, or travel purposes without going through the problem of standing in the queue or waiting for the passport to be stamped. No postage or courier to any government office is required to obtain New Zealand ETA. It is presently a mandatory requirement for visa waiver national, as well as cruise ship travelers of all countries. Even the Permanent Residents of Australia are required the NZ ETA. Qualified citizens can apply through the straightforward New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority application on the web for tourism, business visit or transit to another country from Auckland International Airport. Applicants are expected to fill in the New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority application form with individual and identification details. New Zealand Visa has the following requirements, ensure passport has blank page so that immigration staff can stamp it on the airport. Also, your passport should be valid for 6 months at the time of entry in New Zealand. The following citizens are eligible to apply for New Zealand Visa Online or NZeTA, Luxembourg, France, Cyprus, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Poland, Sweden, Hungary, Austria, Bulgaria, Denmark, Malta, Slovenia, Slovakia, Latvia, Netherlands, Czech, Germany, Greece, Estonia, Romania, Italy, Belgium, Croatia, United Kingdom, Finland and Lithuania citizens
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