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Health - Beauty
Company Description- Wellify is an initiative by Piramal Consumer Products Division. Piramal Consumer is one of the flagship businesses of the Piramal group. Piramal Consumer Products is
Amongst leading players in India in the self-care space
Has leading brands in the Indian consumer healthcare market including Saridon, Lacto-Calamine, i-Pill, Little’s, Tetmosol & Tri-active
Has a country wide distribution footprint, with 2,00,000+ outlets reached directly
Campaign Description - Wellify provides opportunity for the publisher to earn commission every time a customer purchases any product from wellify website through admitad's affiliate link.
Target Geo: India
Cookie time: 60 Days.
Allowed Traffic: Mentioned in the traffic sources tab.
Validation Cycle: 60 days
Tracking: Online (Shopify)
Objecive: To generate sales for Wellify CPS campaign.
Brand Stop Words - Wellify, Wellify Piramal, Wellify From the house of piramal