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Choosing the best 3D printing machine based on specifications and print quality is all it takes to find a perfect 3D printer work. Recently, we got a new model 3D printer, which accomplishes all tasks and has CNC machining capabilities. So, to keep you in the light, our Snapmaker 2.0 AT model is an upgrade of the Snapmaker's old version. To better understand this, our Snapmaker 2.0 comes in two different models: Snapmaker A350T/A250 T, which exhibits more capabilities.
They vary in size, with the A250T being the medium model and the A350T the larger model 3D printer. However, with the above models, you can expect the same printing experience; their buildup volume and the heated bed temperature are the only differences. So, if you are looking for the best model 3D printer, our Snapmaker 2.0 AT models are the most suitable. Feel free to visit our website, shop.snapmaker.con, for inquiries and don't forget to place your order.