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Green Garland Chrysanthemum Coronarium Seeds-Glebionis Leaf Vegetable Planting Non-GMO Edible chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum coronarium) is an herbaceous annual from the Asteraceae family. Other names include chrysanthemum greens, garland chrysanthemum, chop suey greens, crown daisy, kikuna, mirabilis, and shungiku. The edible chrysanthemum has a light sweet taste, slightly bitter, aromatic, calm, and considered a delicious, well-digested vegetable, except for phlegm and heat dissipation. GLEBIONIS CORONARIA Cultivation: Prefers mild and cool temperatures. Prepare fertile, well drained soil. Sow seeds in late spring after last frost or late summer/early fall. Will tolerate light shade in summer and will flower in warm temperatures. Keep soil moist. Fertilize as needed. Harvest leaves and young stems when plant is 4-6" tall.. Chrysanthemum greens, Japanese-green, Antimonio, Kikuna, Mirabeles, Moya, Crown marigold, Crowndaisy and Garden chrysanthemum, Crown Daisy ‘Primrose Gem’.