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Achyutananda Das or Mahapurusha Achyutananda was a 16th-century poet seer and Vaishnava saint from Odisha, India. He was popularly known as Gopala Guru. He was considered to have the power to see the past, present and future. He was a prolific author, and one of the group of five, that led a revolution in spirituality in Odisha by translating Sanskrit texts into the Odia language for common people.
He was one of the famous five friends of spirituality and literature Panchasakhā, who transcribed ancient Hindu Sanskrit texts into Odia, for the people of Udra Desha Odisha. Shri Achyutananda Das was the most prolific writer of the Panchasakhasand wrote numerous books, many of which could be loosely translated as the Book of Prophecies. He is known as the Mahapurusha a Great Person for his vast knowledge on many subjects such as spirituality, Yoga, rituals, Buddhist Tantra, Ayurveda science of life, longevity and medicine , and other various science and social regulations.