About this product
Dragon Bean Vine Seeds Winged Beans Seeds Four Angled Bean or Manila Bean King Shire Winged Bean Asparagus Pea or Dau Rong Home Gardening Seeds Vegetable Seeds An herbaceous perennial vine that is more commonly grown as an annual, it is versatile in its uses and is very nutritious. high in protein and fat. Winged Bean is a biennial plant that is easily grown faster and can grow in almost any soil. and soil moisture should be consistent with purple and white flowers The pod is long and flat with four-winged pods about 3-4 inches in length with smooth, round seeds. popular foods such as spicy salad or fresh. Almost every part of this unique plant is tasty and edible. The fresh young pods are similar to green beans with a chewy texture and a slightly sweet taste. When cooked, the leaves taste like spinach, and the flowers like mushrooms. The firm-fleshed roots have a nutty flavor.