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About this product
Juniperus virginiana, also known as red cedar, eastern red cedar tree seeds, Virginian juniper, eastern juniper, red juniper, and other local names, is a species of juniper native to eastern North America from southeastern Canada to the Gulf of Mexico and east of the Great Plains. Further west it is replaced by the related Juniperus scopulorum (Rocky Mountain juniper) and to the southwest by Juniperus ashei (Ashe juniper). There are 1-3 seeds per cone. Red cedar seeds are yellow-brown and round, 2-4 mm in diameter, ridged near the base, and sometimes shallowly pitted. Cones develop from the blue berries. Eastern red cedars start producing seed-bearing cones after ten or 20 years. Mature red cedars produce seed-bearing cones every two or three years. Seeds are borne in a berry-like, fleshy cone. Seeds mature in winter and are primarily distributed by wintering birds. Seedlings tend to concentrate in areas near suitable perches for fruit-eating birds.Juniperus Virginiana Eastern Junipe