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It's something that can be somewhat unsettling. We have a pretty good community team buy WoTLK Gold. And on the development team too and we are always trying to hear input from the players. What's the best thing with this particular system? What did you find to be uncomfortable? What was your personal experience and why did it not feel good? The team is constantly evolving, and as we continue with patches and sending out content, we'll continue studying systems similar to the legendary ones, and figure out what changes are the need arises.
Another one that I see pop often is regarding balanced realms. A few players believe that there are more Horde and/or too many Alliance players in their realm. Do you have a problem with that? Are you trying to find the ideal balance?
We take that into consideration One important thing that was introduced in Legion includes our Sharding system. This has been the case ever since Mists of Pandaria when we first saw cross-realms in the game, and it's evolved further from that. I'm sure the game seems more vibrant nowadays than it ever was. Whatever zone I'm in I'm sure to meet the same people. Population wise, that's obviously something that's unique to one particular area from time period. We'll do what we can however buy WoW WoTLK Classic Gold, there's not much to share on that front.