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Art - Collectibles
You've reached your very first tiny island Buy Lost Ark Gold. What do you do now? Although each Lost Ark island is unique They'll typically allow any or all of the following activities:
Complete quests. Sometimes, it's a clear exclamation marker on the map, however, the quests could be secret.
Visit NPCs and merchants. A lot of islands have Merchants as well as NPCs. They come with distinct rewards and rewards, so make sure to leave the island before you've looked around.
Collect Mokoko Seeds. Yes, you'll see the tiny bugs in the Lost Ark islands as well. Because the maps are tiny they usually have between two and five seeds per island.
Take part as a player in PvP combat. Some islands are available for PvP.
Find your Island Soul. It is the prize you receive when you complete an island. Sometimes, it means growing your Rapport by interacting with an local NPC or other time Lost Ark Gold for sale, you must complete the quest line or complete an PvP challenge.
Lost Ark Island Souls
Island Souls (also called Island Tokens) are the most important reward you can earn for completing the island challenge. Learn more on the nature and purpose of challenges speaking to Opher who is located in The Lonely Island northwest of Pleccia (right right side of the map).