About this product
Dwarf Long Green Pod Okra is a tender, heat loving annual. Heirloom Okra seed can be direct sown in hot climates, or started indoors 3-4 weeks before the last frost for an early crop or in cooler climates. Soaking Okra seeds for 2 hours before planting will speed germination. When to Start Okra Seeds. Start your okra seeds indoors anywhere from mid-March to mid-April, depending on where you live. It takes four to six weeks for the seeds to germinate and grow strong enough to transplant outside, so count back three weeks from the expected last frost date, and you'll know when to start the seeds. Over watering okra can cause root rot and disfigured plants. Dwarf Long Green Pod produces fruit that are dark green with shallow ridges. Planting Instructions for Dwarf Long Green Pod Okra Seeds. Okra Penta Green - This old variety, well adapted to cool, short seasons, can reach 3 m in height and produces tender, dark-green fruit with a perfectly rounded. Ochro Gumbo Bhindi Clemson Spineless