munchkin cat for sale
Our litter of double doodles is ready for their forever homes from now. We have three handsome boys and one stunning girl available for their forever home. They are all strong healthy pups with wonderful personalities and love cuddles.
The pups have had their vet check and passed with flying colors!! They were very brave in having their Microchip and first injection.
Springfield Doodles is a council-registered breeder.
We are proud to announce the safe arrival of Ivy and Rogers's seven glorious puppies. Parents are extensively DNA tested and clear of all relative diseases. They are double-doodle F1b. Mum is a double doodle and Dad is a labradoodle...
Ivy is our homebred red double doodle. This is Ivy's third litter with Roger. Ivy stands at 18 inches to her shoulder. She has a soft wavy fur. She is our smallest girl but rules the other dogs. She loves curling up on my chair arm leaning on me. They all live in our home. They sleep in their own purpose-built room next to our dining room. They have their own pens. Ivy loves going for walks
For more information, you can email, call text, or visit our
Email: [email protected]
Phone number: (559) 745-5646