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We put together this page to help educate you on fly fishing and to help you learn about this fun fishing technique. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been fly fishing for years or if you’ve never done it before, the information in this article will be useful to you. Along with the basics you’ll be able to learn some of the most effective tips, and also get an idea of what equipment you need for fly fishing.
The Basics of Fly Fishing
Fly FishingFly fishing is a method of fishing that uses an artificial fly to catch fish in both freshwater and saltwater bodies of water. The techniques used for fly fishing vary based on the body of water (lakes, river, pond, ocean, etc.) that is being fished in. The primary difference between fly fishing and other fishing techniques is the weight of the fishing line is what carries the fly during the cast, unlike other techniques that use a weight on the end of the fishing line. The artificial flies used will resemble insects, bait fish, crustaceans and other styles that will get a fish to bite. It’s fun to collect and try out different flies.
Fly Fishing FliesFly fishing is a technique most commonly used for catching grayling, trout and salmon. Other types of game fish such as bass, carp, pan fish, etc. can also be caught using fly fishing techniques. In fact, almost any type of fish can be caught using this technique as long as the artificial fly mimics the fish’s natural food source. Fly fishermen will want to learn specific knots that are most useful when fly fishing. The improved clinch knot is the most effective knot to use when attaching an artificial fly to your leader, while the arbor knot is effective for connecting your fly fishing line to your reel.
Fly Fishing Tips, Tricks and Techniques
Below you’ll find some of the best tips, tricks and techniques.
Invest in Polarized Glasses – A good pair of polarized glasses will make you a more effective fisherman. Polarized glasses will allow you see through the water and locate potential pockets and pools of fish.
Remove the Barbs – It’s a good idea to remove the barb on your hooks (crush them with pliers and re-sharpen) in order to make it easier to remove a hook from a fish. In addition it will be easier to remove a hook from a human if an accident occurs. Accidents like this can occur when fly fishing, so make sure to be careful.
Stealth is Important .Don’t rush down to the shore, make sure to take your time and walk slowly. Fish aren’t blind and they can sense vibrations from both the land and the water. Moving slowly will make fish less likely to scatter when you approach the area you’re going to fish in. You should try to wear clothing that can help you blend into the environment.
Watch Your Fly – You’ll want to examine your fly after every fish you catch and failed hook you set. Make sure the wings aren’t rotated out of place and that the tackle isn’t damaged. You’ll want something on hand to dry/clean-off your artificial fly after you’ve caught a fish.
Be Careful When Drifting – You only really need to drift about 6 to 8 feet, any farther and you’ll have line management problems. One of the main culprits of over drifting is casting too far to begin with. Keep it short and simple until you become more proficient with line management.
Fly Fishing Safety
Fly fishing is an amazing experience, but if you don’t follow basic safety precautions then it could become dangerous. Always wear a wide-brimmed hat and wear sunglasses to protect yourself and lessen the chance of you getting hooked in the ear or head with a forward cast. Avoid fly fishing in a thunderstorm or when lighting is present because some fly fishing rods are made out of materials that can conduct electricity. When wading you’ll always want to wear a flotation device and make use of a wader belt. Make use of a wading staff to help keep yourself steady and search for drop offs you might not initially be able to see.