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Within days you will Panalean Reviewnotice the effects of swimming on your body, you will start losing fat and will go down in inches. But you might not do so well on the scale here is why. When you swim your body burns the fat, but that fat converts itself to muscle. We all know that muscle is weighs more then fat so therefore you might be heavier on the scale, but that does not matter because you will definitely look leaner and fitter.Nobody wants to have all that jiggling fat on their body so if you are concerned about that buy your self a new swim suit and dive in at your nearest swimming pool. Make sure you eat a healthy diet while you swim so that you lose weight and feel great.This menu is great for you to feel light all throughout the day while losing weight. You will lose a whole lot of weight while doing this diet plan. Also this diet plan will keep your energy levels high and stress level low. It has all the right nutrients which your body requires. Most diet plans make you feel irritable and hard to follow since you want to cope up with work pressures to try this diet plan.For breakfast have a slice of whole wheat bread this will give you the energy you require.