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When you create any action you are expressing thoughts. Those Duality Review thoughts come from the same source of creative energy that supports all creation. Thoughts are like the waves on the ocean, separate for a brief time before they crash back into the sea again. Thoughts identify themselves as separate waves of energy before they dissolve back into your stream of consciousness. The thoughts that create action draw energy from the body to perform whatever tasks the thoughts direct. Every task you perform is in this sequence of events. Think about the countless actions you perform every day, thoughts becoming actions.Your enemy is your teacher is another way to say that life shows you where your next lesson lies. The very thing that causes you the most stress is the strongest belief for you to resolve. There is nothing out there to oppose you in any way. It is like the wind blowing through the trees, just energy expressing itself in many thousands of ways. When you attach a story to your beliefs, you are compounding your suffering. The fear of lose is behind most thoughts of conflict. These thoughts are created by the ego mind that cannot accept any sense of loss of self.