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Celebrity Couples Guessing Game - This is a game that can be played right at the start of your office party. Make a list of celebrity couples like Jennifer aniston & Brad Pitt, Victoria Beckham and David Beckham, Here's more information on party game ideas visit our site. and Jessica Biel & Justin Timberlake. You may get pairs from famous movies like Jack and Rose (Titanic). Write the names of the celebrity in post-it notes, you simply provide the guests should have one post-it note stuck on their back. Everyone has to find their celebrity pairing partner without seeking for names.
Is it a relative you cannot stand, or simply company function where attendance is mandatory and you dread studying? Or are you expected to supply the perfect gift to "just surprise me", and know you have a 99% chance of getting it wrong? Write it down, read it, and realize the worst thing still that is really happen.